Dear Domini,
I ate some chicken.
I thought that of all people, you would want to hear this news.
My family doesn't eat much meat, and I already told them that I've been a vegetarian for some years. But chicken pops up now and again, as it did at dinner the other night. And I decided that at least while I'm living with host families, I'll do my best to eat what they give me.
But I seriously did NOT know how to eat this chicken. I think it was a leg, or part of one. Definitely dark meat. And it had been boiled. I watched the others at the table (usually I only get a spoon or a fork at knife) to see what to do. They all kind of gnawed away at the chicken, and so I tried to do the same. To much ado. I could NOT eat this chicken. I couldn't get through the layer of fat to the meat, and I eventually stopped trying. I felt quite stupid, honestly. Maybe next time my host mom will cut it off the bone for me (something that she doesn't even need to do for the 1 year old). Because there it sat on my plate, slightly chewed at, but none eaten. Very sad. I am a failed carnivore.
Decide on grad school yet?
Dreams of a Beached Cow
11 years ago
Heck yeah I liked that post! I'm sorry you failed you veg/vegan, but I appreciate you trying haha. I was telling Bridget today that I wanted a shout out from my fellow guat and then you did that. Creeeeeepy. Anyway, I hope everything is going well and I'm glad you are at ease with your guat home and life. Like Liz, I liked that post. As far as grad school...I actually just did a writing sample for Roosevelt. I'll know if I was accepted later this week and then it will be either there or St. Xavier. I'll be moving to the city in Aug or Sept so yay! Anywho, call me whenever...miss you!